
An unconventional life and an intentional family.

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Genetically Programmed to Win

“Vanity of vanities; all is vanity.” Writes the author of Ecclesiastes. To speak, write, even sing of unfairness and injustice is part of the human experience. We’ve been doing it for thousands of years. My previous post, Men are Not Oppressed, is a satirical poem about some of the injustices levied against men in the…

Men Are Not Oppressed

Men are not oppressed. Share your toys. Don’t hit. Be more like your sister. Stand with your back to wall. Single file. One by one. Don’t run down the hall, Don’t run down the stairs. Use your inside voices. Making friends is easy, just smile and say hello. Don’t judge others no matter how they…

Excerpt from Becoming a Barbarian

This comes from Jack Donovan’s, Becoming a Barbarian (2016). I just finished reading it, and it has made a think. I’ve been pondering questions like, “Who is ‘we’?”, “Who do I actually care about? And who actually cares about me?”, and “Is it actually possible to care about everyone?” I highly recommend Donovans work to…

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